‘Leaf’ It to Us! Your Guide To Managing Autumn Leaves

Autumn has always presented the striking transition from one season to the next, feeling us with wonder and causing us to meditate on the cycles in nature. During this celebrated season of ‘Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness’, don’t forget to really sit back and enjoy those colours and soak in those last few rays. Nevertheless, once […]
Find Bathroom Bliss with Our Latest Home Improvement Ideas and Specials

The best thing about bathroom upgrades? They’re probably the last renovation or DIY home improvement project most people think of, yet they’re likely to significantly impact your comfort and quality of life. The Many Reasons For Upgrading Your Bathroom The sheer ease and comfort of having a better bathroom matters to us as it’s a […]
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Regrout Bathroom Tiles

If you’re bracing for the big Spring clean, you could be tempted to throw your hands up in despair when faced with the wear and tear in your bathroom. You could even be despairing at having to remove mould and mildew once again and wishing you could splash out on a new bathroom. There’s a […]
Decluttering, Space-Saving Shower Makeover and Tidy Tips

Let’s face it. The last thing you want when walking into the shower is a messy, cluttered space that will get in the way of a relaxing experience! You’ve been there, right? You’re tripping over bottles on the floor, stuff topples over the moment you move an elbow, and you spend more time putting stuff […]
Mould and Mildew Removal and Prevention Tips for your Home

Here are some tips for removing and preventing that dreaded mould and mildew from creeping into your home and property. As the weather improves and the spring clean season begins, this is one of those tasks that you will probably be attacking first as you emerge from all that winter cabin fever. You will probably be […]
30 Easy Budget Friendly Ways to Restyle Your Bathroom & Make It Great Again

We’ve all been there. You’ve looked around your bathroom and wondered “How did I let it get this way?” If you have a young family admittedly, it’s not your fault! But for those of us who have a bathroom to ourselves, it’s probably time to look around and give the most personal room in […]
Bathroom Space Savers

We would like to bring your attention to a place in your home which unarguably is one of the most used & important spaces that we sometimes neglect. We are talking about the Bathroom!Whether it’s the big or little bathroom, the ensuite or the ‘one that nobody uses’, they all deserve recognition, TLC & a […]